RESET OCT 21 | Open Tibia Server

Server details:

Experience IconExperience: Skills IconSkills: Magic IconMagic: Loot IconLoot: PVP Type IconType: Protocol IconProtocol:
80 12 6 2 PvPe 8.60

Players data: (?)

Players online: Record online: Added to the list:
6 72 2022-09-06 04:06:33


[Premium Point Codes]
r7fpr8wu7x - 30 points
yvzsa07cqz - 30 points
11u0wkmwml - 30 points
qz8p8kt8tf - 30 points
gh6rk68nwg - 30 points
mnbxlri72h - 30 points
4ipecheono - 30 points
plhqn9apxc - 30 points

Claim a promo code on your account management page for 30 free premium points, hurry before someone else uses the code! - Your adventure awaits you!
Exp: 60x-1x | Skills: 12x | Magic: 6x | Loot: 2x

Server Features:
-New areas like Roshamuul, Secret Library, The Hive and a brand new island have been introduced!
-Magical Items + Loot Find (Find 44 new attributes on items/equipment)
-Rebirth after level 300 for increased HP/MP/DMG!
-Monster Levels (Earn bonus XP from higher levels)
-Randomized Mini-Bosses (HP/DMG Increase + More XP)
-Offline Item Market (Trade magical items offline for cc, prem points or others items)
-Life/Mana Steal for PVP (Also Dodge, Critical & more!)
-Item Salvage (Earn Magic Dust from magical items)
-Daily Boosted Monsters (At server save, new monster picked)
-Boss Rewards (Earn your own loot from bosses, find it in your reward container in depot *works like rl tibia*)
-Earn Mounts/Auras/Wings to customize the look of your character.
-Defeat World Events to activate world bonuses of XP, Loot or Skills!
-Daily Login Rewards - login everyday to earn a full 28 day loot table of unique rewards!

Server Information
-All features + maps from Real Tibia 8.6 plus new events, quests and areas to explore!
-Custom Magical Items [Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary] (Life/Mana Steal, Max Health/Mana, Absorb Elements, Attack Speed, Regeneration and many more!)
-Salvage Magical Loot and earn magical dust to create new items!
-Find legendary gems to create tier specific items easily!
-Trade items offline automatically for premium points, items and cc!
-Easily get to level 100 with cash and item Level Rewards.
-Shared Experience Bonus is 10% compared to 5% normally.
-Create a guild for your team and earn Guild Rewards for everyone on your team!

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Average Players Online History